Apple Exec Sees Potential In AirPods With Health Tracking Features

This is something that was brought up during an interview that Apple’s VP of Technology Kevin Lynch did with TechCrunch. The interview basically covered the health aspects and technologies found in various Apple products like the iPhone and Apple Watch, and Lynch was asked towards the end about the health possibilities with the AirPods, to which he replied by saying, “We already do sensor fusion across some devices today, and I think there’s all kinds of potential here.”
Now it should be noted that Lynch does not actually come out right and confirm that AirPods with health tracking is in the works, but neither does he deny that it is possible, but the latter is interesting as it makes it seem that Apple is open to the idea, if they weren’t already doing something about it.
Headphones that have the ability to track health and fitness aren’t exactly new. For example, there have already been several earphones released in the past that have the ability to monitor blood oxygen levels as well as heart rate, so for Apple to maybe build these features into a future pair of AirPods wouldn’t be a stretch of the imagination.
Filed in AirPods, Headphones and Health. Source: techcrunch
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