Jack Dorsey’s Looks, Ranked
It was the spring of 2007. Akon and Fergie were at the top of the charts, nobody could stop talking about Zach Snyder’s 300, and the word was starting to get around about this weird new microblogging startup called… Twitter. CEO Jack Dorsey and co-founder Biz Stone described the site as something like a cross between traditional texting and long-form LiveJournal-ing. The New York Times ran a column questioning whether the “radical self-revelation” this setup invited was even healthy for people to engage with (spoiler: it’s probably not!). But we’re not here to talk about any of that. Instead, I just want you to take a good, long look at Dorsey’s face in that picture.
Is he smiling? Can you call that smiling? Are his eyes actually looking at anything in the room? Do you think he knows where he is right now? Do you think he had a sudden premonition about the cesspit his startup would one day become, and he’s just sitting there, screaming internally?
Either way, it’s a pretty mediocre start. 3/10.
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