Best Rick and Morty Season 4 Moments: Snakes, Poopybutthole
In “Old Man and the Seat,” Rick finally discovers who’s been sitting on his secret toilet: Tony (Jeffrey Wright), a mild-mannered office worker who Rick begrudgingly begins to like and respect despite his bitter anger over Tony’s clandestine pooping. When Tony dies (of unrelated-to-Rick causes), Rick heads to his bathroom in paradise, finally assured that the spot is his and his alone—and it’s surprisingly poignant, after the trap he’d set to catch and shame Tony targets Rick instead. Rick would never admit it, but the message he left for Tony (“Have fun with your stupid toilet … King Shit on his throne of loneliness … all hail his majesty, the saddest piece of garbage in the entire cosmos!”) hits kinda different—and way too close to home—now that Tony’s gone. It’s a rare moment to see Rick genuinely in his feelings, and “Old Man and the Sea” more than delivers.
Rick and Morty season five kicks off June 20 on Adult Swim. What were your favorite moments from season four?
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