iPhone 13 With mmWave 5G Could Launch In More Countries

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As it stands, there are two standards when it comes to 5G – mmWave and sub-6GHz. The iPhone 12 is Apple’s first iPhone to support 5G, but it is only in the US where it supports mmWave, while other countries that the iPhone 12 is available in can only use sub-6GHz, but that could change with its predecessor.

According to a report from DigiTimes, it seems that Apple will change that with the iPhone 13, where more than half of the models Apple plans to ship will support mmWave. The report echoes an earlier report from analyst Ming-Chi Kuo who claims that the number of iPhone models that support mmWave will increase to around 55-60%, versus the 30-30% of the iPhone 12 models.

For those who are unfamiliar with the difference in standards, 5G mmWave is faster compared to sub-6GHz. The downside is that its range is smaller, which means that it is more ideal for use in urban areas like densely populated cities, versus the more rural areas where people are more spread out.

Of course, sub-6GHz isn’t slow by any means, but mmWave is a lot faster and is more in line with what people think of when they think of 5G. The report doesn’t mention which countries will be benefiting from these changes, but it’s good news nonetheless if true.

Filed in Apple >Cellphones >Rumors. Read more about , and . Source: imore


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